Whilst we all practice our MOB – crash tacking, sailing away, coming back on a close reach, stopping and picking up the fender we have thrown overboard to simulate our MOB, and we congratulate ourselves at being able to return to a point in the water, but we still have that age old question of “how do you get a MOB back onboard”.
To answer this question, SESC have recently purchased a ‘MOB tackle and sling retrieval kit’. In addition, all Club life jackets have now been fitted with a MOB Lifesaver and must be worn whilst onboard Eagle. Personal life jackets may only be worn if a MOB Lifesaver is fitted.
To comply with coding requirements, as a club we need to ensure that all skippers have been trained on how to use the new MOB Recovery System and are familiar with the new procedures. For these reasons, all club skippers attended one of the ‘Skipper Refresher’ days/weekend to enable them to charter the boat. All club events will refresh the use of the MOB retrieval kit, if you charter the boat run through the process with your crew.