2025 Events now available for booking

Become a Spread Eagle Sailing Club member

You can apply for membership online, on the form below. Please read the this page carefully before completing the form. If you have any questions about membership you can contact our Membership Secretary :-

David Berragan
17 Calshot Avenue,
Chafford Hundred,
RM16 6QY

E-Mail – David Berragan

Full Members

Applications for full membership must be sponsored by two existing Full Members of Spread Eagle Sailing Club. If you do not know any existing club members please e-mail this site’s administrator and we will arrange an introduction to a club skipper. Annual subscription from 1st January 2025 for new members is £40 (£50 for a family) payable on joining and renewable on the 1st January, but if payment is made by direct debit the subs are claimed on the 25th January each year. The Club is a company limited by guarantee, all Full Members must sign a guarantee, the liability does not exceed one pound. Subscription rates for existing members are unchanged but if your membership lapses the new rates will apply on re-joining.

Family Members

Full Members who have paid the subscription of £40 may enrol their partner and any of their children or grandchildren still in full time education for an additional £10.

One Time Only Membership

Should you wish to ‘try out’ the club on one of our events before taking up a Full or Family Membership, you are able to pay a one off subscription of £20pp for that event only. The amount paid will be taken off your Full Membership when you join.

Membership rights and privileges

Full details are shown within the Rules of the Club but once membership is approved members may sail as crew on the Club’s boats, fly the Club’s burgee on any vessel they are in command of, attend social events and AGM’s, stand for election as directors or members of any committees, etc.

Data protection act

By becoming a member, I confirm that Spread Eagle Sailing Club Limited may hold personal details about me whilst I remain a member of the club and for 12 months after I cease to be a member. These details include names, home address, telephone numbers, membership number, subscriptions paid, e-mail address, emergency contact, skipper’s grade and bank details if my subscription is paid by Direct Debit. I understand that these details may be used to:-

  1. produce a mailing list for newsletters.
  2. ensure that all persons booking a berth are members.
  3. maintain a register of guarantors of the company
  4. make disclosures for the purposes of the club which the directors decide are necessary
Spread Eagle Sailing Club
Spread Eagle Sailing Club
Spread Eagle Sailing Club
Spread Eagle Sailing Club
Spread Eagle Sailing Club
Spread Eagle Sailing Club

Become a Spread Eagle Sailing Club member

You can apply for membership online, on the form below. Please read the this page carefully before completing the form. If you have any questions about membership you can contact our Membership Secretary :-

David Berragan
17 Calshot Avenue,
Chafford Hundred,
RM16 6QY

E-Mail – David Berragan

Family Members

Full Members who have paid the subscription of £40 may enroll their partner and any of their children or grandchildren still in full time education for an additional £10.

Membership rights and privileges

Full details are shown within the Rules of the Club but once membership is approved members may sail as crew on the Club’s boats, fly the Club’s burgee on any vessel they are in command of, attend social events and AGM’s, stand for election as directors or members of any committees, etc.

Spread Eagle Sailing Club
Spread Eagle Sailing Club
Spread Eagle Sailing Club
Spread Eagle Sailing Club
Spread Eagle Sailing Club
Spread Eagle Sailing Club

Data protection act

By becoming a member, I confirm that Spread Eagle Sailing Club Limited may hold personal details about me whilst I remain a member of the club and for 12 months after I cease to be a member. These details include names, home address, telephone numbers, membership number, subscriptions paid, e-mail address, emergency contact, skipper’s grade and bank details if my subscription is paid by Direct Debit. I understand that these details may be used to:-

  1. produce a mailing list for newsletters.
  2. ensure that all persons booking a berth are members.
  3. maintain a register of guarantors of the company
  4. make disclosures for the purposes of the club which the directors decide are necessary