Our very amazing Ian Hyde is stepping down from the Committee of SESC. After many years in the role he is passing the Events Co-Ordinator torch on to Christine de Quincey.

Having been a Committee member since the club was formed in October 2000 Ian is one of only 29 remaining former members of Barclays Bank Sailing Club that migrated over to SESC. He was a director for many years and only stepped back from this post when he left Barclays and became a director of his own mortgage broking business, but remained an active member of the Committee.

A helpful and supportive committee member, Ian was the main organiser of the Club’s events programme for all of his time on the Committee. These events have played a large part in attracting new members to the club. He was also involved as a Club tester and awarded many new skippers their Tickets!

After asking other committee members about Ian, the resounding response was that Ian is a highly competent, relaxed skipper with sensible advice, and calm patience when teaching the skills required.

We will miss Ian’s contribution and the benefit of his support on the Committee however you will still find him onboard and involved with hosting events, and we are delighted to have Chrissi de Quincey and her organisation skills onboard.